Empower Tuning

I charge your body’s batteries with sound, breath, and joyful movement.

Mary Grunvald PT M.Ed

Meet Mary

Mary is a physical therapist, Polestar Pilates Rehabilitation Practitioner, Certified Biofield Tuning Practitioner and Runity trained coach.

Through Mary’s own journey of self discovery she is able to provide you with a customized caring session based on your own needs. She is here to serve you to be the best you . She is a charity marathon runner having ran the last 6 Marine Corps Marathon for Semper Fi Fund to assist our men and women who have sacrificed and served our country. In her spare time she trains with her son Joe , enjoys golfing and learning new and creative ways to move the body!

Local Recreation Classes


    Biofield Tuning

    Discover how to self care with Biofield Tuning. Sound energy medicine using tuning forks around and on the body developed by pioneer researcher Eileen McKusick. Flow and balance of the body electromagnetic and subtle energy assist with overall well being. Vibrations assists with autocorrecting the body electric to a more balanced you. ( Does not replace your physician’s medical input)

    The holistic approach.

    • Biofield Tuning On-Site and Distance Sessions
    • Runity Coaching – Get Fit to Run
    • Sound Massage – Meridian Flush
    • Oov Training – A tool for sport specific goals.
    • Ex for Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis

    “Never experienced a healing session so powerful and instantaneous in its impact.”


    Tues: 7am-6pm
    Weds: 7am-12pm
    Thurs: 7am-6pm
    Fri: By Appointment


    905 Roosevelt Highway, Ste 101
    Colchester, Vermont 05446